Monday, December 17, 2012

Gayism is matching to legalism in Uganda.

Uganda's president has said gay people should not be killed orpersecuted, as MPs continue to consider a controversial Anti-Homosexuality Bill. In his first public commentson the bill for some time, President Yoweri Musevenialso said that homosexuality should not be promoted. The original version of thebill stipulated the death penalty for some homosexual acts but this has reportedly been dropped. Homosexual acts are illegalin Uganda. The BBC's Catherine Byaruhanga says the government has always stressed that the bill was introduced by an individualMP and was not official policy. In his latest comments at the swearing in of a new head of the Anglican Church of Uganda, the president was careful to neither condemn the bill nor openly support it, our correspondent says. The president said: "If there are some homosexuals, we shall not kill or persecute them but there should be no promotion of homosexuality. "We cannot accept promotion of homosexuality as if it is a good thing." Ministers have warned MPs that passing the bill would have implications forforeign relations. It has been condemned by Western donors, who have suggested that aid could be cut if it is passed. Speaker of parliament Rebecca Kadaga recently said the bill would be passed as a "Christmas gift" to its advocates. I have been married to my wifefor 39 years, but I have never kissed her in public President Museveni However, parliament has adjourned until January without voting on it. Even if MPs do approve the bill, Mr Museveni wouldhave to sign it before it takes effect. Some African opponents of homosexuality have said itwas introduced to the continent by European colonisers. However, Mr Museveni said he knew of traditional kings and chiefs who practised homosexuality, but that they did it in secret and did not promoteit. He said he had told the US ambassador to Kampala that all forms of sex were kept private in Africa, unlike in Western societies. Ugandan gay people often fear living openly "I told him that I have beenmarried to my wife for 39 years, but I have never kissed her in public and in my house before the children," the New Vision newspaper quoted him as saying at the same church ceremony. "If I did it, I would lose elections and you know I am not about to accept thatidea of losing elections." Last month, MP Medard Segona told the BBC that the provision for the deathpenalty had been dropped. In its original form, those convicted of "aggravated homosexuality", defined aswhen one of the participants is a minor, HIV-positive, disabled or a"serial offender", faced the death penalty. Such offences would now be punished with life imprisonment, it is understood

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